Doctor whose dad has Down syndrome explains what it was like being raised by him – couldn’t be prouder

Even if the internet is rife with tales of horror and stuff you’d prefer not to see, now and then, you have the chance to read or watch something that makes you grateful for the network of connections it has created.

One of those times has arrived. It was for me, at least, after hearing one Syrian student’s story about his father.

Credit: Youtube/SSSD

Sader Issa, a Syrian dental student, described his childhood bond with his father, who has Down syndrome.

Do you want to discover the key difference?

Credit: Youtube/SSSD

There aren’t any.

Although the internet is full of horror stories and stuff you’d prefer not to see, now and then, you have the chance to read or watch something that makes you grateful for the network of connections it has created.

One of those times has arrived. It was for me, at least, after hearing one Syrian student’s story about his father.

Credit: Sader Issa

Sader Issa, a Syrian dental student, described his childhood bond with his father, who has Down syndrome.

Do you want to discover the key difference?

There aren’t any.

Credit: Sader Issa

 According to Sader, his father, Jad, has shown him love and devotion since the day he was born and has done his utmost to make Sader’s life as normal as possible. When Jad was younger, he worked at a wheat mill and began saving money so that his child could attend college.

Jad did everything he could to provide his son with the best prospects in life, and he encouraged Sader to work hard in school and pursue a career as a doctor.

Credit: Sader Issa

Furthermore, Jad is a cornerstone in his community, and while Sader recognizes that living with Down syndrome has its drawbacks, he hasn’t allowed it to stop him.

The Syrian Society for Social Development reported that Sader is not embarrassed by his father. In reality, it’s the polar opposite.

“I am pleased with my father. “He has always been the biggest source of support for me when I needed it,” Sader stated.

Credit: Sader Issa

Indeed, father and son have a long-standing relationship. According to Sader, Jad is quite pleased with his son being a doctor.

“You can see when his eyes are filled with delight and satisfaction as if to say: Yeah, I have Down syndrome, but I nurtured this guy and did everything I could to make him become a doctor and assist others,” he added. 

It’s obvious that Jad adores Sader, just like any other father adores his child, and Sader reciprocates. Sader now works as a dentist, a highly respected and well-paid profession in Syria. 

“I believe I would have been much less enthused about life and a lot less passionate about what I do if I didn’t have my amazing father,” Sader said in Mars 2021, accompanying a beautiful photo of himself with his father.

Credit: Sader Issa

According to Bored Panda, it’s very unusual for males with Down syndrome to have children; who spoke with the National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) about Sader’s tale.

However, there are certain exceptional circumstances. 

They observed, “People with Down syndrome are more alike than different from their regular classmates.” “They take longer to reach milestones when they’re young, but they do!” They have feelings and demand to be treated with respect.”

Credit: Sader Issa

 Let’s raise our glasses to Jad and his son Sader. Your father-son relationship is both motivating and wonderful!

People with Down syndrome are human beings, capable of loving and caring, fearing and being terrified, just like the rest of us. The sooner we recognize that we are all children on God’s green planet, the better.

Credit: Sader Issa

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