Rejected by 20 families, a little girl with Down syndrome is adopted by a single father

Luca Trapanese, a Catholic of Italian origin, who is no stranger to breaking social norms, tries to engage the various people he meets through public debates and television talk shows, with the aim of socializing the idea of a gay man adopting children. His decision to adopt a 1-month-old with Down syndrome is something to be admired that has nothing to do with breaking stereotypes. Alba, a little rejected by 20 families, gave him the long-awaited chance to live as a family. The girl can. Needless to say, this is a very emotional moment.

Trapanese took this decision without any hesitation because of his immense love for Alba. Many people are reluctant to adopt these children due to the health conditions of children with special medical conditions. Even in such a social framework, he offers to successfully face any challenge that comes with her. He knows very well. He said that since he was 14 years old when he found out about his friend’s illness, he decided to stay with him and help him whenever possible. Moreover, he helped him get various treatments for this fatal cancer condition and even offered to go to the hospital and stay by his side all the time.

His friend’s parents did not have much time to stay near him because they were also engaged in various jobs. For this reason, only the friend and Trapanese spent much time. At this time, although they were young children, they decided to share their pain and suffering with their friend and fight until the end of this tragic situation they know. Trapanese needed to be able to do and be strong. So, this terrible experience made it clear to Trapanese how difficult it is to live with a disease even knowing it. Because of the pain that his closest friend endured, he was also motivated to join the church and do voluntary work for those who need help. Through this, he had an opportunity to help special children with severe disabilities.

He realized that helping those with special needs is a good deed during his time as a volunteer in the Italian church. He understood that this is something that should be integrated into his life. He joined a seminary at the age of 25 and studied for two years to serve the people as a Catholic priest. But this attempt goes down the drain as he starts a romantic relationship with another man. After spending 11 years with his partner, he left the seminary without any hesitation, taking the initiative to start a charity in Naples that could work with disabled people. To increase the bond between them and live as a family, they dreamed of adopting a child and they were close to a decision to adopt only a disabled child.

Later Trapanese had to go home alone due to separation from his partner. At that time, according to Italian laws, a single father could not adopt a child. But later with the removal of such obstacles, the applicants were able to adopt a child of their choice. Trapanese was willing to adopt any child and become their parent, with the said child being a sick or severely disabled child. Thanks to the experience he has gained so far, he was able to deal with a child with any problem and provide kindness and care.

In July 2017, he received a Tribunal phone call and they told him that Trapanese will have a daughter named Alba, who is only 30 days old. They further informed that this child has Down syndrome and that she was rejected by her mother as well as 20 other families. Overjoyed, he said that he would like to have her. Going to the hospital as soon as possible, he saw her alone in a small crib. Holding the hand of that little girl, he felt like his own daughter. This was the first time in his life that he held the hand of a newborn baby. It turned out to be a very beautiful moment for him. At that moment he felt ready to be her father.

He wanted to spend the first few days alone with his daughter, so he took Alba to his house in the countryside. He organized a party for this daughter inviting his family and friends to introduce this new guest. They did not forget to embrace her with love and all these moments were interesting moments that brought happiness to Trapanese. He always said that his daughter was sometimes stubborn and she was full of strong personality. She liked to spend time with other people and was more interested in playing and dancing all day long, so he used to take her for walks to public places such as parks, museums and also to his workplace.

His life now revolved around her and everything related to her brought him happiness. Alba was the creator of the revolutionary change in his life. She was the strength to get rid of mental happiness and loneliness and write his life anew. Alba’s father was lucky and proud to be there. He loved her so much that he wanted her to be his daughter. Although being a single father was difficult, he had an opportunity to see his own future because of this. He always wanted to spend the rest of his life happily with his daughter, experiencing many happy and wonderful things.